donderdag 14 januari 2010

Some Changes in 2010

Hi everyone,

Happy and Wonderful New year to each of you.

I've made a few changes this month to my blog.
I will include links to my Hand Crafting Blog too where I will show some of my
new creations created with Traditional Scrapbook Supplies.
Stay Tuned for all the changes this year.

There are some changes now in 2010 in my life.
Thank you for visiting my Digital Shop.
I have closed some of my shops.

Some of my shops will remain open, but I need to take some time
to dedicate to some personal life changes.

It's important for me to do the changes I've done.

I will be creating more layouts and be on Creative Teams where
I can be Creative and design layouts.

I will have some brag pages and some Quickpages as freebies, but for a few months
you will see my Creative Layouts a lot!

Check my Creative layouts Blog for updates and for Inspirations for Hybrid
Scrapbooking and other Paper Crafting Projects.

Visit my Blog Margie's Creative Layouts!

Thank you so much for visiting my blog.